This is a series of video podcasts from the Inaugural National Heart Failure Nurse Meeting held in September 2022. The aims of the meeting were to create a platform to share best heart failure practice leveraging experience from senior nurses and clinicians and provide a forum for heart failure nurse networking.

    The advisory committee and chairs for this meeting were Lia Sinclair – HF Nurse Practitioner, Te Whatu Ora Palmerston North, and Paul Peacock - Clinical Nurse Specialist Heart Function, Te Whatu Ora, Nelson.

    This meeting was fully supported by Novartis NZ.

    Cardiology Watch: The Right Tests

    Professor Alexander Sasse

    Extended Prevention of Recurrent VTE

    Speaker: Dr Gordon Royle

    In this recording of a live webcast event held in August 2020, Dr Royle addressed an audience of GPs and nurse practitioners on extended prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism in primary care with a focus on the recommendations in the THANZ 2019 VTE Guidelines.

    Gordon Royle is a graduate of Otago Medical School. After moving to Auckland he undertook a Masters in Molecular Biology, and went on to train in Haematology. For the last 19 years he has been working as a Haematologist and researcher at Middlemore Hospital, and is a senior lecturer at Auckland University's School of Medicine. A particular interest is Coagulation Haematology. His clinical research experience includes the role of PI in several new oral anticoagulant trials. Prior research experience includes seven years' molecular biology in the USA including two years at The Salk Institute.