
Anaesthesia Research Review with Dr John Barnard

This Review features key medical articles from global anaesthesia journals with commentary from Dr John Barnard. The Review covers topics such as epidural anaesthesia, inhalational anaesthetics, intravenous opioid analgesics, muscle relaxants, neuromuscular blocking drugs and intravenous reversal agents.

Anaesthesia Research Review is currently published in conjunction with Pain Management Research Review.  Expert commentary for Pain Management Research Review is provided by Associate Professor Gwyn Lewis.

Research Review publications are free to receive for all NZ health professionals.

View back issues of Anaesthesia Research Review publications here.  Also below are reviews of recent international medical conferences, new medicines, speaker events and other relevant publications.

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons allows general activities including journal reading and researching clinical information including digital resources to be included as part of members CPD (max 20 points per annum) such as Research Reviews.

For more information click here

Participants in the ANZCA CPD program, may claim the reading of Research Review publications under the Knowledge and skills activity Journal reading, at 1 credit per hour.

For more information click here

College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand have approved CPD hours for NZ Pain Management Research Review Category Educational Activities. One hour of active learning equal one hour of CPD.

Please click here for more information.