In this issue:
LLN of FEV1/FVC ratio reduces airway obstruction misclassification
FEV1/FVC <70% underestimates airflow obstruction
Driving performance not improved by O2 therapy in hypoxaemia
Language differentiates between adults with and without COPD
A cell phone-based exercise programme for COPD
SaO2 during sex in COPD
A 4-year trial of tiotropium in COPD
Medications for recently diagnosed COPD and risk for death
Long-term erythromycin decreases COPD exacerbations
Smoking/solid fuel use: effects on COPD, lung cancer and TB in China
β-blockers and mortality in COPD patients with atherosclerosis
P. aeruginosa transmission: infrequent in NZ CF clinics
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