NZ Respiratory Research Review Issue 186

In this issue:

Effect of short-course exercise on COPD exacerbations and physical activity
Long-term benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD
Adding e-cigarettes to smoking cessation counselling
β-blocker use and acute COPD exacerbations after MI
Accelerated FEV1 decline and CV disease/mortality risk in COPD
Characteristics and predictors of pulmonary rehabilitation completion in NZ
Low-dose corticosteroids + theophylline and acute COPD exacerbation risk
Markers of disease activity in COPD
LABA/LAMA-ICS discontinuation after discharge from hospital
Burden of eosinophilic airway disease: asthma vs. COPD vs. asthma-COPD overlap
Muscle loss contributes to higher morbidity and mortality in COPD
Reduced mortality with budesonide/glycopyrrolate/formoterol for COPD
Effect of age on efficacy and safety of fluticasone/umeclidinium/vilanterol in COPD
Pathophysiology of airflow obstruction and hypoxaemia in smokers

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