NZ Cardiology Research Review Issue 114

In this issue:
  -  20-year trends in cardiovascular disease incidence in the UK
  -  ASCVD burden in patients aged 20–54 years vs over 55 years
  -  Combined treatment with GLP-1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetics
  -  Benefits of statin adherence after STEMI
  -  Prognostic value of cardiovascular biomarkers
  -  Aspirin vs clopidogrel for long-term maintenance after coronary stenting
  -  Factors associated with CIED-related infections
  -  Benefits and risks of statin therapy for primary prevention in old/very old patients
  -  Multiple arterial vs single arterial CABG
  -  Cardiac shockwave therapy in addition to CABG

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