Women's Health

Woman's Health Research Review with Assoc Prof Helen Roberts, Dr Anil Sharma and Dr Maritza Farrant

This Review features key medical articles from global health journals with commentary from Assoc Prof Helen Roberts, Dr Anil Sharma and Dr Maritza Farrant. The Review covers female gynaecological and reproductive health issues including menstrual issues, gynaecological cancers, contraception, sexual health and management of the menopause.

Research Review publications are free to receive for all NZ health professionals.

View back issues of Woman's Health Research Review publications here. Also below are reviews of recent international medical conferences, new medicines, speaker events and other relevant publications.

Royal Australian New Zealand College of Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) - Fellows may claim CPD hours as part of the Educational Activities Domain of the RANZCOG CPD Framework for self-education O&G activities. Please refer to the RANZCOG Framework and List of Activities to identify your educational activity and which domain hours may be claimed in.

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