NZ Fertility Research Review Issue 39

In this issue:
  -  Does bariatric surgery improve ovulation rates in women with PCOS?
  -  Treating obesity and fertility in the era of GLP-1 receptor agonists
  -  Impact of preconception weight loss interventions on female fertility
  -  Long-term storage of vitrified embryos does not affect ART outcomes
  -  Time-lapse imaging systems for embryo incubation and selection in IVF
  -  Association between length of in vitro embryo culture, ART mode, and initial hCG rise
  -  Impact of intraovarian PRP injections in women with poor ovarian response
  -  Double vs single ovarian stimulation in low prognosis patients
  -  Reproductive outcomes of fresh vs cryopreserved ejaculated sperm samples
  -  Testicular fine-needle aspiration in men with non-obstructive azoospermia

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