Meet our panel of medical specialists

Research Review Australia works with over 70 local medical specialists to select and advise on the most important research from around the world. They advise on what really matters, what impact it has on local healthcare and what we need to do in our daily practice to accomodate new skills and knowledge. Select a category below to see more about each of our expert advisors.

Bronwyn Jennings

Bronwyn Jennings

Bronwyn Jennings is the Gynae Oncology Clinical Nurse Consultant at Mater Hospital Brisbane, in Brisbane, Australia. She is a member of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA) and chairs the Gynaeoncology
Specialist Practice Network. Bronwyn is also a member of the Australian and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) and the ANZGOG EnDomEtrial caNcer (EDEN) Research Initiative. Her main
research interests include patient reported outcome measures, posttreatment care and nurse-led models of care.

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